Technical English Language Services, Hamburg
Sie wollen sicher gehen, dass Ihr Niveau des gesprochenen Englisch bei der Arbeit und gesellschaftlichen Veranstaltungen mehr als ausreichend ist und Sie wollen noch mehr Respekt als maßgeblicher Englisch-Sprecher in technischen Situationen gewinnen, dann lassen Sie sich von einem Spezialisten in der technischen Kommunikation der englischen Sprache schulen. TELS ist der Trainingspartner den Sie brauchen, weil wir bereit sind, die Extra-Meile mit und für Sie zu gehen! „Mr Harris has been a boon for me. He has the ability to converse with me as an engineer using the kind of language I need as a commissioning engineer; the specialist vocabulary and expressions flow easily from his mind...“ |
TELS hat sich auf den Unterricht von fachspezifischem technischen Englisch für Ingenieure, Techniker, Wissenschaftler und Manager spezialisiert und bietet Ihnen individuell zugeschnittene Unterrichtsformen. Erleben Sie wie Ihre bisherige Hemmschwelle zur Kommunikation mit ausländischen Kunden, Lieferanten und Partnern verlieren und die Projektgestaltung endlich reibungslos ohne Missverständnisse und Verzögerungen abläuft damit Sie neuen Spaß an der Projektorganisation und technischen Abwicklung gewinnen.“ „Ihre Korrekturen haben wir selbstverständlich gerne übernommen. Vielen Dank dafür! ...“ |
In general, you should already have a basic command of English to be able to develop your technical language skills further. However, we always help you to refresh your grammar and vocabulary, which are often lost when not used regularly. |
Why choose TELS? |
We... |
• are a niche specialist business |
• have no middle men |
Technical English training with confidence since 1995
Our technical English courses are suitable for technicians and engineers at intermediate and advanced levels, as well as Bachelor and Master degrees at universities.
Why not have a short intensive, or a hands-on workshop, or even a longer course to pep-up your technical language and grammar! |
Technical English course content:
Technical English writing course content:
For full details of our course contents please contact us
Tele-English - technical English when you're too busy >>>
Would you like to improve your small talk or
talk specifically about your work, or prepare for an overseas visit where the common language is English?
Do you worry that you don't have sufficient technical language expertise and vocabulary to communicate and negotiate
in English during technical discussions? When communicating, you want to feel sure that what you say or
write is what you mean to say without making embarrassing mistakes which could have repercussions for you or your company.
If you have doubts about your technical English and grammar skills, or simply want to ensure your level
of spoken English at work and social events is more than adequate, and you want to gain even more
respect as an authoritative English speaker in technical situations, you'll find TELS is the training
partner you need because we are prepared to go that extra mile with and for you!
Personal one-to-one tuition is an ideal way to improve and develop your language skills.
Your present language level should be at intermediate (CEF B1) or higher so that we can really get started without worrying
too much about language basics, important as they are.
Our clients are technicians and engineers of all levels,
scientists, managers and other professionals. Perhaps you urgently need to check that the technical English of a
paper you have written is correct, or you have to give an important lecture in English to an international company
or attend an overseas conference and need to brush-up your technical and general English.
TELS is very flexible with regard to tuition appointments. You can come regularly at the same time or on an ad hoc basis to
suit your busy work schedule.
Are you studying for a PhD or already a holder and need help with your research papers or presentations? TELS has both pre- and post PhD clients from Hamburg's leading research centres. We understand the nature of their research and converse with them to develop their spoken and written communication skills.
„ Ich arbeite nun schon einige Jahre sehr erfolgreich mit Lawrence zusammen, hinsichtlich der Erstellung von technischen Artikeln und des Schreibens von wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen...“
Do you have to write papers in English for publishing in professional
journals? Would you like to be sure that the language used is appropriate and that
the scientific and grammatical structures are correct?
Your international presentations are the highlight of your work so they should come across well.
Let us sympathetically develop your confidence and guide you with good techniques to structure your talks,
add more personality, capture attention, and speak more clearly.
When giving a presentation your body language should be
pleasant to look at while you are talking. This is a simple statement to make, but all too often
overlooked when preparing to give a presentation. How you appear while
talking is just as important as the presentation content itself. To describe how big something is with
both hands is quite all right, but in essence, it is your voice that should be giving the information!
Your presentation will usually be allocated a specific amount of time to be completed in. We will go through the presentation
with you, listening carefully for anything that is repeated or superfluous, and timing each phase so that precious time
can be optimised to ensure you complete it within the allocated time.
If you feel unsure, let us give you sensitive and polite guidance on ensuring your
presentation style is appropriate for the occasion.
Wir übersetzen bzw. korrekturlesen Ihnen alle technischen Texte. Sprechen Sie mit uns oder schicken Sie uns ganz einfach Ihren Text zu. Ich erstelle Ihnen ein Angebot über die Kosten.
• Berichte • Dissertationen • Anleitungen • Beschreibungen • Werbeschriften • Bewerbungen • Websites •
Was richtig erscheint für einen Nicht-Muttersprachler ist oft falsch, da unbewusst der Autor
auf seine eigene Sprache
reflektiert und eine Wort für Wort Übersetzung vornimmt.
Subtile Verwendung von Präpositionen ist auch schwierig, wenn man nicht völlig vertraut mit der Sprache ist.
Fliessende Sprache, Vermeidung von bestimmten Wörtern und Strukturen gehören zu gutem technischen
schriftlichen Englisch.
Aus diesem Grund sollte man die eigenen Übersetzungen immer von einem Muttersprachler Experten
überprüfen lassen bevor ein Dokument fertiggestelt wird.
Ein andere Punkt ist, dass ein Text zu Unklarheiten und Missverständnissen führen kann und es ist daher zu empfehlen
wenn Verfasser sowie Muttersprachler den Text gemeinsam überarbeiten. Selbst ein Austausch von einem Wort, sei es Grammatik oder
Nomen, könnte den Inhalt möglicherweise verändern.
Korrekturlesen ist allzu oft als eine schnelle Übung gedacht, jedoch in der Praxis selten. Es sollte ein angemessener
Zeitraum für die Prüfung eines Dokuments zu Verfugung stehen.
It is important that documentation is written correctly and accurately to avoid ambiguity or misunderstanding.
What might seem right to a non-native speaker is often wrong because subconsciously the author is reflecting on his own language,
and perhaps a literal word-for-word translation. Subtle uses of prepositions is also difficult if one is not completely familiar with
a language. Language flow and avoidance of certain words and structures all add to the art of good technical writing. It is
for such reasons one's own attempts at writing, which is always to be encouraged, should be checked by a native
speaker expert in the subject before submitting a document.
We carry out proof-reading and preparation for publishing of your own-produced documentation for correct choice of
language, technical accuracy, technical style and grammar.
A document will invariably have queries, so
it is always good practice for the author and expert to go through the document together. Even a change of
one word could easily alter the intended meaning.
These require a lot more preparation than proof-reading. The paper as a
whole must be considered to ensure good flow and style to avoid unnecessary repetition of ideas and words.
Be sure that your paper is the final version, and will not be subject to further alterations.
All alterations, whether large or small, will be charged for on a time basis (not lineage), as they will invariably
affect the paper image. The document will have to be read through again to ensure high standards are maintained.
proof-reading is all too frequently thought of as a cheap and quick exercise, but in practice it rarely is, so adequate time
should be allowed for checking a document.
If you would like us to prepare your paper for publication, then please understand that such work is costly, therefore
always ask for a cost estimate of the work required.
May we remind you that urgent requests attract a 30% - 50% surcharge.
Es giBT drei Ebene:
Eben 1 - Einfache Übersetzung.
Eben 2 - Gute Übersetzung und Zeichensetzung ohne Rücksicht auf Erscheinungsbild.
Eben 3 - Druckfertige Übersetzung einschlißlich finalem Korrekturlesen.
Alle Änderungen werden in Rechnung gestellt.
Schicken Sie uns Ihr Dokument per Email. Wir bieten Ihnen einen kostenvoranschlag.
Kosten kurzere bzw. komplexen Texte bitte nach Anfrage.
Kleine Übersetzungen haben eine mindestgebühr von €60,00.
Stunden Rate: €60,00 pro 60 Minuten.
Eilauftrag Zuschlag: 30% - 50%
Sind die Texte Ihrer Englischen Webseite korrekt? Sie sind unsicher? Dann lassen Sie mich eine kurze Durchsicht machen. Oft, trotz gutem gesprochenem Englisch, werden immer wieder Fehler eingebaut wenn Englischtexte nicht von einen Muttersprachler geschrieben sind. Manchmal amüsant, manchmal wichtig. Ich bringe alles in Ordnung, zu einem fairem Preis. Rufen Sie mich einfach an. Es lohnt sich.
.....Und schon wieder sehe ich was....."Oh I do wish website owners would have their English versions checked out by a native speaker!!!!! It is so maddening to have to read unclear meanings, bad English grammar, wrong choice of words and prepositions etc. etc.! Do give us a call, we won't bite you!"
Ein englisches Curriculum Vitae ist ähnlich wie ein deutscher Lebenslauf, nur kürzer. Es ist sehr wichtig, dass nur alles Wesentliche ausgefuhrt wird. Deshalb ist es am besten Sie wenden sich an einen Profi. Wenn es um technische Dinge geht, können wir Ihnen bestimmt helfen. Mit einer kurzen Besprechung bei uns, können wir Ihre Fähigkeiten sowie als auch einige Spezialgebiete notieren und alles in gutem Englisch aufsetzen. Ebenso werden wir Sie auf ein Vorstellungsgespräch vorbereiten und einen Bewerbungsbrief verfassen.
A CV is not only about your work experience - it is much more. We will have a chat with you to see what
your whole life skills are, then translate all this information into a CV that really reflects the person you
are and where you want to be heading in your next career move.
Producing a professional CV from your Lebenslauf does take a lot of time. There is a lot of creativity required
to translate into words your personality and how you see yourself in the new post you are applying for. To do this
you will need a paragraph at the top of the CV which will give the company an immediate impression
of 'you', as well as what you are seeking and what you can offer.
If you simply want your German Lebenslauf translated verbatim into English, then we will charge on the
standard 55 characters per line basis.
However, if you want a professional CV preparing and also a job application covering letter, we would first
need to have a talk with you to discover your potential worth to a future employer. This talk usually
discovers talents within you that you could easily overlook, but which could be a useful asset to the company.
As you are well aware, it is so important to create the right initial impression to the company. Your CV and
covering letter will be the only things the company have in order to decide whether they would like to invite you
for an interview.
You have no time to attend regular language courses? Well you can chat with us on the phone
or Skype® for a few minutes or simply ask a question with our tele-English service.
Do you need help getting information from or about Great Britain? Then let our
liaison service try to help you, be it touristic, business or from the authorities.
If you feel like having a week or two's holiday to really get your English smoothed out, TELS has friendly,
well-established, fully equipped partner language schools in England and
Wir Über Uns Courses one-to-one tuition
documentation website text check Kontakt
Referenzen News CV other services
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